Digital Onboarding

Carrying out a digital onboarding plan allows you to provide new incorporations with a welcome experience to the company. In this way, people feel welcome when they arrive and the necessary information for their job can be transmitted, while the culture and values of the company are transmitted.

The main objective is for people to feel part of the company from the outset, generating a feeling of belonging and increasing commitment to the organization.

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Because we are different?: Gamification

We offer gamified onboarding platforms. This means that we implement dynamics to create a positive experience around onboarding. Through dynamics such as the game, concepts and values are assimilated, since they involve the user.

They are designed for the user and generate motivation. Concepts that can be difficult are worked on in a dynamic and entertaining way, thus making users want to continue learning in this incorporation phase.

Scalable and customizable

They favor good relationships with colleagues, so it is also a communication tool that fosters camaraderie and teamwork. They have a modular and scalable structure, which means that they adapt to the needs of each client, allowing their evolution over time.

Quizz uai
Easy Learning Plataforma uai

Automation of the onboarding process

The digitization of onboarding allows the human resources department to automate processes, thus optimizing their time while reducing costs. Especially, those companies with high turnover rates that lose a large amount of resources in this process.

Easy and simple

Our digital onboarding platform allows you to manage the arrival of new people to the company and the information that each of them should receive from the same place. Facilitating management with a simple tool that provides solutions to different processes.

Ahorcado uai
Ruleta uai

The 5 phases we address

We cover all phases of the process of incorporation into the company

1 - Pre-onboarding, before incorporation
2- First day
3- Formative stage
4- Monitoring of learning and feedback
5- Continuous onboarding

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What is our Onboarding solution for?

Strengthen employer branding

Improve the work environment

Involve new employees

Conveys company culture and values

Process automation

Save costs, improving time management


How can we help you?