Team Building Offline

Solidarity Kilo

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Fun and teamwork solidarity

Solidaritary Kilo is a fun and solidarity project, where participants will take on different tasks and challenges with the aim of collecting food items that will later be donated to those in need.


  • Reinforce company culture
  • Improves productivity and teamwork
  • Activate interpersonal relationships
  • Greater involvement and commitment
  • Creativity


  • Teambuilding / CSR
  • Format: face-to-face
  • Number of participants: 20 – 500
  • Playing time: 120' (Briefing, activity and closing)
  • Languages: Spanish and English

Reinforce teamwork with a fun and altruistic activity

Show your empathy and sensitivity to social issues

Resolve challenges to obtain the greatest amount of food

An activity that will not leave anyone indifferent and will help motivate the group

A CSR activity where teamwork will be the key

Divided into teams, the group will have to overcome different logic, skill, creativity challenges with the aim of obtaining the highest number of “food kilos” which will be subsequently donated to a food bank.

Participants are divided into teams of 8-12 people who will have a limited time to solve fun challenges in order to collect the highest amount of food items.

Milk, sugar, coffee, olive oil, canned goods, prepared meals, legumes, flour or cereals, are part of the fantastic loot they will try to conquer.

Once the challenges are completed, a welcome is extended to the NGO or Food Bank to explain their work and the use that will be made of those food items.

A fun-filled activity for sharing!

More information about the experience

A presenter/facilitator welcomes the group and explains what the activity will consist of, mentioning the foundation or association for which this solidarity action will be destined. Then, the participants are divided into groups (either pre-defined or randomly formed). The teams will have a limited time to solve fun challenges to obtain the greatest number of food items. Once the challenges are completed, the NGO or Food Bank is welcomed to explain their work and the use that will be given to those food items.

We provide all the necessary material for the challenges.

There will be various types of challenges such as: Jenga, cup stacking, Six T Puzzle, balloon tower, nut balancing, and ping pong.


I'm interested.
Contact with us.