Gamified recruiting platform

Simplify talent selection and save time in decision making with our platform.
We help you in the curricular screening so that you can select the talent that best suits your company. You will be able to measure soft skills for the selection of personnel in your company. Thanks to our tests based on psychometrics and algorithms, you will obtain objective data on behaviors and personality traits.

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The competency tests that we have developed make use of gamification. Why do we implement gamification? Because it generates a positive user experience and thus reduces the abandonment rate to almost 0%. This gamification process not only generates an experience immersive, but also favors concentration and increases the motivation of the candidates.

That is why the employer branding of the company is promoted and the people who carry out the selection process associate the brand with innovation, creativity and dynamism.

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What is our e-Recruiting solution for?

Preselection of candidates

Curricular screening

Measure Soft Skills

Gamified behavioral tests

Talent development plans

Up Skilling & Reskilling


Business succession plans


How can we help you?